"Don't compromise yourself. You're all you've got." ~Janis Joplin

Good evening everyone and thanks for reading. I want you all to know that the views expressed in this blog are my own and if you don't like them you can stop reading and save your hate mail for someone with a more conventional sense of guilt. That being said, I hope you enjoy my blog and it enriches your perception of life.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Best Year Ever Part 1: Movie Madness

In the great tradition of bloggers from centuries back, I have composed a "best of..." list for 2010. *If something in this list is from a year other than 2010 it's because I just discovered in 2010 or because I am old and the years tend to run together when you are on the downward slant.

Favorite movies: This one I would like to break into categories because there were so many that I loved, but hell, I'm OCD so I would love to break everything up into categories. Well, screw it! How about a top ten format.

Top Ten Movies
10. Winter's Bone (Good flick, ya see a lot of those characters around here)
9. The Town (Was good, but I though there would be more to think about)
8. Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (The A-list of yesterday meets the A-list of today.)
7. Alice In Wonderland (Saw this at midnight on Kyle's birthday. Good memories!)
6. The Lovely Bones (Beautiful sepia washed melencholy story of tragedy.)
5. The Runaways (Dakota Fanning as a filthy hot chick...awesome!)
4. Scott Pilgrim vs the world (Saw this on DVD, well worth my time.)
3. True Grit (Jeff Bridges was awesome, but Hailee Steinfeld stole the show)
2. Inception (The top is not Cobb's totem)
1. Leaves of Grass (Edward Norton is so freaking awesome!)

Movies I missed:
10. Exit Through the Gift Shop (I just love Docs!!!!)
9. The Black Swan (Aronofsky, The Wrestler, Requiem for a Dream.....)
8. When You're Strange (probably straight to DVD and will have to dig it up on Amazon)
7. The King's Speech (Unless I drag my mom out, I will have to rent this.)
6. The City of Your Final Destination (Sir Anthony Hopkins, who wouldn't want to see him)
5. Machete (I forgot about it. Wait for the DVD release)
4. Catfish (Hmmm...couldn't tell if this was an internet stalking tale or what)
3. The Social Network (Jesse Eisenbergh not trying to be Micheal Cera.)
2. Howl (A movie I will have to catch on video and likely have to snag from Amazon)
1. Rabbit Hole (I will rent this, because it will make me cry)

Movies I am looking forward to in 2011
10. Hanna (Check out the trailer for this and you will see what I mean.)
9. Captain America (FINALLY!!!)
8. Transformers (This just for the kick ass-ness of the Drive-in)
7. Mr. Popper's Penguins (Jim Carey, and I read this with my son when he was little.)
6. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (Daniel Craig, 'nuf said.)
5. Thor (YAAY)
4. Green Lantern (Comic movie!!!)
3.Mix Tape (Has the little girl from Kick Ass in it, Chloe ?)
2. The Adjustment Bureau (Looks very Phillip K. Dick)
1. Red State (Kevin Smith has been building this one up all year!)

So, yeah those are my top tens for 2010. Can't wait for more movie goodness in the coming year.

Coming soon...
Best Year Ever Part 2...

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