"Don't compromise yourself. You're all you've got." ~Janis Joplin

Good evening everyone and thanks for reading. I want you all to know that the views expressed in this blog are my own and if you don't like them you can stop reading and save your hate mail for someone with a more conventional sense of guilt. That being said, I hope you enjoy my blog and it enriches your perception of life.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Things I learned this year

As I sit here writing this on the last day of 2010, I can honestly say I have no regrets. I have not taken any steps backwards, nor have I burned any bridges that did not desperately need burned. I have learned many things this year, some of which I already knew but never allowed myself to put into practice.

I learned that work is just work and that you should not take it home(unless it's a pizza you bought with your totally sweet employee discount), nor should you take home to work (unless you want to get free drinks from the soda fountain, then you should bring a cup from home with your name on it). I feel there is a balance now, spend more time at home and less time at work. Above all, be where you are.

Another lesson I learned this year. The judgment of others is just as fucked up as yours is, so live by your opinions alone. You have no reason to fear criticism when you can defend your decisions, so make sure they are YOUR decisions. There's nothing worse than following the advice of someone else and then having it backfire on you only to find out that you should have follwed your own instincts. Our brains know things that we do not consciously know, "Follow your gut" has survived as a bit of advice for a reason.

This one I learned awhile back then got lazy on. Wal-Mart is evil! I don't care if you believe me when I say this, but Wal-Mart has ruined our economy. Who cares if something costs a few cents more at Family Market and it adds up to $50 by the end of the year. At least you get good service there and you know what's in the meat and can look at it before you buy it. If you do not understand why I say Wal-Mart has ruined our economy, do your own research to find out why Rubbermaid went out of business (check sources to see that they are not owned by Wal-Mart).

Everybody poops. This thought is the only thing that consoled me during the approximately 125 times I cleaned my bathroom (not to mention the 100 times I cleaned bathrooms at work). That means I uttered this very thing under my breath approximately 225 times over the course of 2010, not counting the times I though it when my 6 year old ;who is fascinated with poop and fart jokes, started his little comedian act.

Date night rules! Since Paul has started working the midnight shift now, I am often at work while he is sleeping. As the seasons changed, he wants to hibernate. I figure that's great, he works hard at a very stressful job so it probably does him good. However, I find that I need some adult conversation and this will culminate unless I get alone adult time to have conversation with another intelligent adult at least once a month. Date night is usually dinner and a movie. Good conversation over a meal I did not myself cook and that after which I do not have to clean up, then a thought provoking movie that serves as fodder for more conversation throughout the month or weeks between (if we do get a few precious moments to not talk about farts and poop).

Those are just some of my random thoughts I thought I would share as the clock ticks closer to 2011. Times does fly when you are having fun, so now I am off to make some nice snacks for our private McKinney family New Year's Eve bash. The entertainment will include a showing of the A-Team, Cats and Dogs (insert sequel name here if you know it), and then a sampling of Aiden's comedy act (everybody poops).

Happy New Year everyone. Remember, if you drink don't drive Johnny Law will get you!!!

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